20 Mar Marianne Turns One – Portrait Photography Session in Cheesman Park

Marianne and her cute boots being coy during her family portrait photography session in Cheesman Park
Marianne hiding during her portrait photography session in Cheesman Park
Marianne with her big balloon at her family portrait photography session in Cheesman Park

I had the joy of photographing Miss. Marianne again. You can take a look at our first portrait photography session together here.  This time we opted for a location session instead of my home studio. This should have been Marianne’s One Year and family portrait photography session in Cheesman Park. But due to busy schedules, crazy Colorado weather, and a trip to Tahiti, the shoot was pushed a couple months. So, technically this is Marianne at 14 months. This is a little sneak peak. I just love the first two photos because, for me, they absolutely describe the hour we spent together. Marianne, adorably coy and demure…not to mention extremely mobile. Me, chasing her all over the place. She definitely gave me a workout. Duck walking at the speed of a toddler is not as easy as it sounds.  Sometimes I think I workout just to stay keep fit for my active family sessions!

I loved every minute with this family and am looking forward to our next family photography session.

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